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Technology Classes

Here you will find basic information about Technology Classes. Click on the class for more information and pictures from each class.

Technology Class
Intro to Technology Concepts
Astronaut Fireflies Animation
Intro to Computer Animation

This exploratory class covers 9 units of technology each semester. From the basics of design and engineering to audio editing to 3D modeling to simple machines and manufacturing Tech Concepts has something for everybody. Design and build your own model dragster and design and shoot of your own rocket.

This course starts with the historical look of animation where students create their own zoetropes and stop animations. Students then develop skills to create animations using Adobe Animate and Pixar type 3D animations using professional grade 3D animation software.

Video Production
Video and Multimedia Technology
Talk Show Set
Advanced Video and Multimedia Production

Digital Media is an more in depth study and practice of multimedia projects. Students create their own graphics, animations, audio, and videos using industry grade Adobe products and Canon photo/video equipment.

Students further their media production skills by working for clients to create client based products. This includes creating the school broadcasts, video board presentations, web content for clients, and recording numerous school activities.

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